Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fwd: Oh what a Sunday

Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T

-------- Original message --------
From: larry cooper <>
Date: 06/22/2014 6:35 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Larry Cooper <>
Subject: Oh what a Sunday

        All I can say is amen and amen on this awesome wonderful and gracious Sunday and what a Sunday it has been.
        Before I went to my church for service, God had me to minister at Power Word from the topic of Worship and Fellowship, just how important are they to us.
        If I have not told you, yes Power Word is now on the for front and no longer just an internet ministry and I don't mind telling you that God is truly moving in the midst.
        After I was through, I went to my church where my pastor ministered on holiness.  How many of us know that  holiness was right back then, is right today and will be right on tomorrow.
        Remember that God is God and he changeth not.
        I pray that you had as awesome Sunday as I did and God was not only glorified in your service but had a rhema word just for you.
        As he always does.
        Elder Larry Cooper
        Power Word Ministries Inc.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Fwd: Poetry Corner

Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T

-------- Original message --------
From: larry cooper <>
Date: 06/20/2014 9:28 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Larry Cooper <>
Subject: Poetry Corner

Don't do it
H u m
The devil loves it when
We take him lightly
Like he isn't there
Giving him power, you see
Failing to pray
Giving our flesh power
To do what it do
Which is how satan
Is able to trick you
Don't you know
That just like our God
Satan also watches you
For you to slack up
Doing what you should too
Very patient
Oh he will wait
Because he already know
That it must be you
That opens that door
Walking in the flesh
Is a doorway for him
To come right on in
Doing what he wants
Taking you back to sin
But know this
When walking in the spirit
After the things of God
It is only then that
You make satan's job hard
Praying and praising
Give him a headache
And he will go away
Waiting for you to stop
To come another day
So don't stop
Have a lifestyle of prayer
And praise all the time
Even when it looks bad
This will blow satan's mind
So from this day
Let's make it hard
For the devil to come in
By just being stubborn
And refusing to sin
And when he tries
Make sure that he knows
It will not be easy
He better bring his lunch
Messing with you and me
Elder Larry Cooper
Power Word Ministries Inc.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Prayer 6/16/14

            Father in the name of Jesus again this morning we want to say thank you for what you have done and what you continue to do for us and in our lives even when we don't even deserve it.
          Then father we sing the song,  WHEN I THINK OF THE GOODNESS OF JESUS AND ALL THAT HE HAS DONE FOR ME.  Father forgive us when it is just a song and it has no meaning because we have forgotten that it is his grace and mercy that has brought us this far.
          Forgive us for not remembering and meditating on his goodness that was proven on the cross for us.  Forgive us when we fail to give you praise for all that you have done and continue to do.
          Now father, bless your people with the strength, faith and wisdom to always remember that you have our future in the palm of your hand that will remind us that it has to be in you that we move, live and have our being.
          We love you so much and we even now give your name all the praise, honor and glory, in Jesus name, amen.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Poetry Corner

The devil, the devil
Can you just
Look around
And what do you see
Why in heaven
Are so many saints
Living in misery
Their very world
Falling apart
And they don't even know
Not even a clue
As even to why
Certain things just show
Could it be
Because of them
Being so unaware
Of this enemy
Called the devil
Who is always there
Sure we lift
Up our hands
And we give God praise
But what about
All the other times
All through our days
Times like when
We're on our job
How do we live then
Do we live for God
Or do our own thing
Giving in to sin
What about
In our homes
Do we set examples
Before our kids
Especially our teens
That they can also show
Make no mistake
About this enemy
He is crafty indeed
Will make one think
That all is well
They have all they need
He is just
Setting them up
For a great fall
When in their mind
All is well
Standing ever tall
Yes an enemy
We certainly do have
Always wanting to show
And if we
Don't know his name
It's the devil, the devil
Elder Larry Cooper
Power Word Ministries Inc.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Prayer 6/2/14

From: larry cooper
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 3:38 PM
Subject: Monday Prayer

Father we thank you.  When we think of your many blessings and the amount of grace and mercy that you give us through our messing up time after time again all we can do is say thank you.  When we think of the times that our flesh has truly gotten the best of us and caused us to stray away from your way and you have allowed for us to come back time after time again, all we can do is say thank you.  And father when we think of the times that we were more of a distraction to others concerning you and not a witness and you didn't destroy us but yet gave us another chance to get it right, my God we say thank you.  We thank you God for not erasing our future because of our past.  We thank you father that you are a very present help in our times of trouble.  We thank you that when people walked out of our lives that we trusted in so much and caused us so much hurt even when we may have put them before you and when we came to our senses and came running back to you, you was still there with open arms, father we say thank you. 
Father on this day we ask for nothing.  On this day we just say thank you so much for your love, grace and mercy in Jesus name, amen.